
emma grillo writing writer



I'm a freelance writer, fact-checker and designer based in Brooklyn. I grew up between Massachusetts and California before moving to Oregon for college, where I studied English Literature and Creative Writing. 

I've had stints at Harper'sNew York, and T Magazine. I spent the past few years at The New York Times and Serial, where I did a mix of reporting, audio production and design work, which you can see online and in print. My freelance writing and fact-checking can be found around the internet.

I also write fiction, and am currently pursuing an MFA at Brooklyn College. My most recent short story was published in Atticus Review. In 2019 I was a writer-in-residence at Object Hotel in Bisbee, where I was working on my first book of short stories.

When I'm not working I paint, run and hang around museums.

Xoxo Gossip Girl.
